June 28, 2008

University of Texas Mission Statements

University of Texas System

The UT System Office of Strategic Management provides leadership, staffing, and resources to foster alignment, manage development, coordinate initiatives, and track progress and impact of the UT System strategic plan and related administration and campus activities. The Office of Institutional Studies and Policy Analysis connects data analysis with policy and decision making.

The office chairs and staffs strategic initiative advisory groups and leads inprovements in the accountability and assessment framework, including development of peer comparisons and benchmarking studies. OSM also leads improvements in the compact process and alignment with individual campus strategic or long-range plans. It helps to identify opportunities for management inprovements across UT System functional areas and aligns institutional studies and policy analysis with management information and policy needs of the Board, Chancellor, legislative requests, and with strategic and functional activities of UT System offices and campuses.

The goal of these activities is to support evidence-based decision-making by fostering cross-System focus, alignment, and effective communication about the key goals, priorities, and outcomes of UT System activities.


The UT System establishes goals and implements priorities to achieve excellence aligned with clear and specific plans that engage people throughout the organization, including institutions, System offices, and the Board of Regents. Through an integrated approach to planning and accountability, the System takes actions and communicates effectively its areas of emphasis, specific priorities, initiatives, and accomplishments to demonstrate the value that it provides in serving Texans.

Chief responsibilities

To fulfill its mission, OSM:

Leads implementation and management of the 10-year UT System strategic plan to foster alignment among institution, System, and Board planning and analysis of progress. Campus strategic plans align with System-wide goals and priorities, but exhibit considerable flexibility in format and content to reflect the distinctive missions of each institution. These plans, more over, align with the System's accountability framework and review of executive work plans, so that progress on key priorities is tracked, analyzed, and communicated widely to inform future improvement efforts.
Coordinates annual schedule of special topic strategic and accountability reports.
Leads implementation in collaboration with Academic and Health Affairs, of the Campus Compact process, and works closely with System offices and campuses to align the Compacts with campus strategic planning efforts.
Coordinates and facilitates development of System Administration strategic plans, in collaboration with System offices.
Leads implementation of the UT System strategic global and leadership institute initiatives.
Directs research and publishes the UT System's annual accountability and performance report and related studies.
Works with policy leaders to align the UT System framework with state and national trends in accountability, and enhance the System's national leadership contributions on these issues.
Institutional Studies and Policy Analysis - Provides management information and analyses in support of the strategic objectives and institutional improvement efforts of the University of Texas System. Responsibilities of the office include providing an integrated approach to institutional research, conducting policy analyses, maintaining a repository of management information, and disseminating information for use by decision-makers.


University of Texas Brownsville

General Information

The University of Texas at Brownsville has been a member of The University of Texas System since 1991. In cooperation with Texas Southmost College, The University serves more than 12,000 students at its campus located in Brownsville, Texas. In Partnership with Texas Southmost College, The University offers a wide range of courses from Associate and Baccalaureate degrees to graduate classes and continuing education.

The Mission

The mission of The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College (UTB/TSC) Partnership is to provide accessible, affordable, postsecondary education of high quality, to conduct research which expands knowledge and to present programs of workforce training and continuing education, public service, and cultural value. The partnership combines the strengths of the community college and those of a university by increasing student access and eliminating inter-institutional barriers while fulfilling the distinctive responsibilities of each type of institution.

The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College Partnership offers Certificates, and Associate, Baccalaureate, and Graduate degrees in liberal arts, the sciences, and professional programs designed to meet student demand as well as regional, national, and international needs.

UTB/TSC places excellence in learning and teaching at the core of its commitments. It seeks to help students at all levels develop the skills of critical thinking, quantitative analysis, and effective communications which will sustain lifelong learning. It seeks to be a community university which respects the dignity of each learner and addresses the needs of the entire community.

UTB/TSC advances economic and social development, enhances the quality of life, fosters respect for the environment, provides for personal enrichment, and expands knowledge through programs of research, service, continuing education and training. It convenes the cultures of its community, fosters an appreciation of the unique heritage of the Lower Rio Grande Valley and encourages the development and application of bilingual abilities in its students. It provides academic leadership to the intellectual, cultural, social and economic life of the bi-national urban region it serves.

The Philosophy

UTB/TSC is committed to excellence. It is dedicated to stewardship, service, openness, accessibility, efficiency, and citizenship. UTB/TSC is committed to students, participatory governance, liberal education, the expansion of the application of knowledge, human dignity, the convening of cultures and respect for the environment.


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